In fact, men and women knew the difference between their weight loss processes long ago. Especially where there is careful monitoring of weight and body as a whole. We mean sports, ballet, dance.
In ballet they adopted a practice of “culling” dancers with full-bodied constitution for a long time - choreographers know for sure this woman will never lose weight to the desired size however much she may try.
Strange but true: it turns out, most fashionable and famous diets, including fasting, were developed … for men. It is structure of male body, male hormonal balance that served as a model for far-reaching conclusions, not suitable for women. Until 1990, all experiments and studies were conducted only on men, and only since the mid 1990’s doctors turned their benevolent gazes to a weak half of humanity … And then it turned out all is not so easy. And in general, not as it seemed.
They found that men sticking to a diet lose weight about twice more effective than women. Thus they gain weight much harder. Now, dear ladies, seeing a fat man, you’ll be able to properly assess the degree of his gluttony and sloth of an ordinary human! Joke …:)
Joking aside, but a woman’s metabolism is really fundamentally different from men. At least thus the fact that hormone preparing the body for pregnancy, childbirth and lactation actively participate in a woman’s metabolism. These hormones have the greatest influence on weight and make the body more flexible and suited to nurturing the offspring. In case of a “nuclear war”, female body always stocks fat … and where they are and how much - this question can be answered only by defining the overall hormonal balance.
However, a woman vainly trying to lose weight cannot be comforted with these facts. For problem is again point-blank: “How can I lose weight?”
So, here are general weight loss recommendations given by modern physicians and nutritionists:
1. Do not starve.
When you consume fewer calories, the body gradually receives a slow metabolism, saving incoming nutrients and fat. Norm for a woman leading “office” way of life is 2000-2100 calories. If you want to lose weight, reduce intake to 1800-1900, but no more.
The most innocuous thing you can earn due to a starvation diet is hypothyroidism, depression of thyroid function. Hypothyroidism leads to obesity, lethargy, confusion and lots of other unpleasant consequences. A vicious circle - you limit yourself in food, metabolism slows down. You restrict yourself even more, it is even more retarded. And so to the point at which you are no longer able to live and work normally.
2. Do not limit water consumption.
Earlier it was “trendy” to reduce amount of water in a diet, but in recent years, doctors have come to the conclusion that it is fundamentally wrong.
A man consists of water to 90 percent, which is critical to metabolism. Water is not only a medium for the transfer of nutrients, but also removes slag and decay products from the body.
On average, a woman’s body requires 1,5-1,7 liters of water per day. But doctors advise drinking 2-2,3 liters of water, if you want to clean the body and increase the effectiveness of weight loss procedures.
3. Do not exclude salty and sweet foods from the diet completely.
Sodium salts, glucose and its derivatives are also involved in the process of metabolism. It is good, if you ate products containing these components during the day. And if not? And if not - then you run the risk of heart disease, which cannot function without sodium and potassium.
The best solution is simply to reduce consumption of salt and sugar, not excluding them altogether.
It is common knowledge that in life people consume much more salt and sugar than it is required for the organism. Consequently, reduction of usual diet at least twice will really improve your condition.
4. Do not completely switch to low-fat products.
Fat is involved in a woman’s reproductive system, accumulating female hormones estrogens in itself. In addition, normal fat layer contains nutrients necessary for gestation during pregnancy.
Source ; Womanpassion.com
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